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About Us

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Grandma’s Honey Stuff (GHS) is a raw honey infused food made with natural ingredients such as lemon, garlic, ginger, capsicum, and other spices. It is made with whole foods that’s safe for all ages over the age of one. It can be used as a dip, sweetener for tea, glaze for meats and/or fish, or taken however you like! The elements in this infusion are known to have healing powers. Therefore, this infusion was created with the intention to help heal my family’s ailments such as cough and congestion.

Inspired by our grandmother’s “home remedy”, my sister and I created Grandma’s Honey Stuff for our toddlers when they weren’t feeling well. We didn’t want to give them the typical over the counter medication.

The incomprehensible ingredients and side effects were enough to cause us to seek a better method of healing. We needed something to help enhance their immune system, and something that would knock it out the natural way.

So, with some tweaking of our grandmother’s undocumented recipe, we developed a product that may help the body even on a good day. For us, Grandma’s Honey Stuff is not only a specialty honey that can be used with other foods, but we use it daily. It contains the healing properties my body appreciates, I feel confident that when I take a spoonful, I’m taking the goodness of mother nature. You’re welcome to take Grandma’s Honey Stuff any way you like...just take it with good intentions.




*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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